Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Skin Profile - Step 1 of 12Send us a selfie to get started!Send us your skin selfie and receive a complimentary skin profile report with a customized treatment plan and exclusive offers! For the best possible assessment, we recommend uploading photos that show your face from each side and the front.Upload photos of your skin below: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. If you are not comfortable uploading a photo of yourself, skip to the next section where you can select what skin concern(s) you need help with. NextWhat skin concern(s) are you interested in treating?Pigment + ToneBrown spots (entire face)Brown spots (partial face)Spider veinsRosaceaDullnessDark eye circlesNonePreviousNextLaxity + TextureSagging jowelsCrepey skinLarge poresPuffy under eye hollowSunken under eye hollowSagging upper eyelidSagging neck skinIce pick acne scarsRolling acne scarsNonePreviousNextVolume + LinesForehead linesFrown lines (between eyebrows)Crows feetMarionette linesNasolabial foldsSagging upper eyelidVertical lip linesNeck linesThin lipsNonePreviousNextAcne + CongestionMild acneSevere acneCystic acneBlackheadsWhiteheadsMiliaSevere oily skinNonePreviousNextDryness + IrritationNormalNothing visible, feels dryFlakyRed and ItchyAllergens trigger dry skinPatches of rough dry skinPatches of thick scales of dry skinNonePreviousNextAny other skin issues you would like to treat?PreviousNextDo you have a history of the following skin issues?PsoriasisEczemaRosaceaKeloidsLichen PlanusPreviousNextHow would you classify your skin phototype?The Fitzpatrick skin type (or phototype) depends on the amount of melanin pigment in the skin. Determining your skin phototype is necessary to develop a safe treatment plan. Skin with high melanin pigment are more prone to develop postinflammatory pigmentation after injury (brown marks).Type l: Pale skin - Always burns, does not tanType ll: Fair skin - Burns easily, tans poorlyType lll: Medium skin - Tans after initial burn Type lV: Light brown and olive skin - Burns minimally, tans easilyType V: Dark brown skin- Rarely burns, tans darkly easilyType Vl: Deeply pigmented skin - Never burns, always tans darklyPreviousNextWhat is your age group?Under 1818-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465+PreviousNextWhich gender best describes you?FemaleMaleOtherPrefer not to sayPreviousNextLastly, what is your contact information?What is your name? *Email *Which location is nearest to you?203-1447 Ellis Street, Kelowna, BC201-22471 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BCUnsureComments (optional)Sign-up to our newsletter?PreviousPhoneSend